Category First Class Municipality Ranking 2014-2023
Region REGION XI (Davao Region) Province Davao De Oro
Mayor MANUEL E. ZAMORA Population 93,937
Link LGU
Address Municipal Hall, Poblacion, Monkayo, Compostela Valley  Contact Nos. Tel: 084-637-0799 (PLDT)
Facebook Page  


225th 3.3555
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menuLocalEconomySizeLocal Economy SizeLocalEconomyGrowthLocal Economy GrowthActiveEstablishmentsin the LocalityActive Establishments in the LocalitySafetyCompliantBusinessSafety Compliant BusinessEmploymentGenerationEmployment GenerationCost ofLivingCost of LivingCost ofDoingBusinessCost of Doing BusinessFinancialDeepeningFinancial DeepeningProductivityPresence ofBusinessandProfessionalOrganizationsPresence of Business and Professional
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menu2023 Ranking by Indicators1st to 2nd Class Municipalities (511)2452456565757512212215915957573013011611612132132828Local Economy SizeLocal Economy GrowthActive Establishmentsin the LocalityActive Establishments in the LocalitySafety CompliantBusinessSafety Compliant BusinessEmploymentGenerationEmployment GenerationCost of LivingCost of Doing BusinessFinancial DeepeningProductivityPresence of Businessand ProfessionalOrganizationsPresence of Business and Professional Organizations
Rank Score
Local Economy Size 245th 0.0081
Local Economy Growth 65th 0.0007
Active Establishments in the Locality 75th 0.3875
Safety Compliant Business 122nd 0.2294
Employment Generation 159th 0.1081
Cost of Living 57th 0.5442
Cost of Doing Business 301st 1.5940
Financial Deepening 161st 0.3159
Productivity 213th 0.0556
Presence of Business and Professional Organizations 28th 0.1120


111th 9.6174
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menuComplianceto NationalDirectivesCompliance to National DirectivesPresence ofInvestmentPromotionUnitPresence of Investment Promotion UnitComplianceto ARTACitizensCharterCompliance to ARTA Citizens CharterCapacity toGenerateLocalResourceCapacity to Generate Local ResourceCapacity ofHealthServicesCapacity of Health ServicesCapacity ofSchoolServicesCapacity of School ServicesRecognitionofPerformanceRecognition of PerformanceGettingBusinessPermitsGetting Business PermitsPeace andOrderPeace and OrderSocialProtectionSocial
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menu2023 Ranking by Indicators1st to 2nd Class Municipalities (511)336611505026426465659292113939156156Compliance to NationalDirectivesCompliance to National DirectivesPresence of InvestmentPromotion UnitPresence of Investment Promotion UnitCompliance to ARTACitizens CharterCompliance to ARTA Citizens CharterCapacity to GenerateLocal ResourceCapacity to Generate Local ResourceCapacity of HealthServicesCapacity of Health ServicesCapacity of SchoolServicesCapacity of School ServicesRecognition ofPerformanceRecognition of PerformanceGetting BusinessPermitsGetting Business PermitsPeace and OrderSocial Protection
Rank Score
Compliance to National Directives 3rd 1.9130
Presence of Investment Promotion Unit 6th 1.8719
Compliance to ARTA Citizens Charter 1st 2.0000
Capacity to Generate Local Resource 50th 0.1211
Capacity of Health Services 264th 0.1035
Capacity of School Services 65th 0.1326
Recognition of Performance 92nd 0.1992
Getting Business Permits 1st 2.0000
Peace and Order 39th 0.1714
Social Protection 156th 1.1047


111th 2.9858
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menuRoadNetworkRoad NetworkDistance toPortsDistance to PortsAvailabilityof BasicUtilitiesAvailability of Basic UtilitiesTransportationVehiclesTransportation VehiclesEducationHealthLGUInvestmentLGU InvestmentAccommodationCapacityAccommodation CapacityInformationTechnologyCapacityInformation Technology CapacityFinancialTechnologyCapacityFinancial Technology
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menu2023 Ranking by Indicators1st to 2nd Class Municipalities (511)4949345345929214714718181821826666262641416767Road NetworkDistance to PortsAvailability of BasicUtilitiesAvailability of Basic UtilitiesTransportation VehiclesEducationHealthLGU InvestmentAccommodationCapacityAccommodation CapacityInformation TechnologyCapacityInformation Technology CapacityFinancial TechnologyCapacityFinancial Technology Capacity
Rank Score
Road Network 49th 0.0009
Distance to Ports 345th 1.6179
Availability of Basic Utilities 92nd 0.6315
Transportation Vehicles 147th 0.0533
Education 18th 0.2675
Health 182nd 0.1005
LGU Investment 66th 0.0009
Accommodation Capacity 26th 0.0963
Information Technology Capacity 41st 0.1674
Financial Technology Capacity 67th 0.0496


64th 11.6976
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menuLand UsePlanLand Use PlanDisasterRiskReductionPlanDisaster Risk Reduction PlanAnnualDisasterDrillAnnual Disaster DrillEarlyWarningSystemEarly Warning SystemBudget forDRRMPBudget for DRRMPLocal RiskAssessmentsLocal Risk AssessmentsEmergencyInfrastructureEmergency InfrastructureUtilitiesEmployedPopulationEmployed PopulationSanitarySystemSanitary
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menu2023 Ranking by Indicators1st to 2nd Class Municipalities (511)22227171102102878711104104494953534949Land Use PlanDisaster Risk ReductionPlanDisaster Risk Reduction PlanAnnual Disaster DrillEarly Warning SystemBudget for DRRMPLocal Risk AssessmentsEmergencyInfrastructureEmergency InfrastructureUtilitiesEmployed PopulationSanitary System
Rank Score
RESILIENCY 64th 11.6976
Land Use Plan 2nd 1.9853
Disaster Risk Reduction Plan 2nd 1.9583
Annual Disaster Drill 71st 1.0032
Early Warning System 102nd 1.0024
Budget for DRRMP 87th 0.0350
Local Risk Assessments 1st 2.0000
Emergency Infrastructure 104th 0.4552
Utilities 49th 1.5178
Employed Population 53rd 0.2351
Sanitary System 49th 1.5053


36th 7.9619
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menuICT PlanInnovationFinancing:R&DExpendituresAllotmentInnovation Financing: R&D Expenditures AllotmentICT Use: E-BPLSSoftwareICT Use: E-BPLS SoftwareOnlinePaymentFacilitiesOnline Payment FacilitiesSTEMgraduatesSTEM graduatesIntellectualPropertyRegistrationIntellectual Property RegistrationInternetCapabilityInternet CapabilityAvailabilityof BasicInternetServiceAvailability of Basic Internet ServiceStart Up andInnovationFacilitiesStart Up and Innovation FacilitiesNewTechnologyNew
Created with Highcharts 6.1.0Chart context menu2023 Ranking by Indicators1st to 2nd Class Municipalities (511)1173731111156156197197454523231331331919ICT PlanInnovation Financing:R&D ExpendituresAllotmentInnovation Financing: R&D Expenditures AllotmentICT Use: E-BPLSSoftwareICT Use: E-BPLS SoftwareOnline PaymentFacilitiesOnline Payment FacilitiesSTEM graduatesIntellectual PropertyRegistrationIntellectual Property RegistrationInternet CapabilityAvailability of BasicInternet ServiceAvailability of Basic Internet ServiceStart Up andInnovation FacilitiesStart Up and Innovation FacilitiesNew Technology
Rank Score
INNOVATION 36th 7.9619
ICT Plan 1st 2.0001
Innovation Financing: R&D Expenditures Allotment 73rd 0.0001
ICT Use: E-BPLS Software 1st 2.0000
Online Payment Facilities 1st 2.0000
STEM graduates 156th 0.0109
Intellectual Property Registration 197th 0.0000
Internet Capability 45th 1.0950
Availability of Basic Internet Service 23rd 0.7125
Start Up and Innovation Facilities 133rd 0.0692
New Technology 19th 0.0741