Province Albay
Region REGION V (Bicol Region)
Population 1,347,110
Revenue 6,398,811,323.36
NOTE:  Highly Urbanized Cities are not included in the total score percentage of the Province.
LGU Category Score Population Population Weight (50%) Revenue Revenue Weight (50%) Total Percentage Provincial Score
Bacacay Second Class Municipality 28.2559 68,906 0.026 423,982,446.56 0.033 0.059 1.6586
Camalig First Class Municipality 29.0905 66,904 0.025 311,729,016.41 0.024 0.049 1.4313
Daraga First Class Municipality 32.1394 133,893 0.050 191,523,703.43 0.015 0.065 2.0794
Guinobatan First Class Municipality 28.2459 82,361 0.031 384,620,467.87 0.030 0.061 1.7145
Jovellar Fourth Class Municipality 19.7537 17,308 0.006 1,315,943.28 0.000 0.007 0.1284
Legazpi Component City 51.6097 209,533 0.078 1,744,875,501.96 0.136 0.214 11.0496
Libon First Class Municipality 29.7820 75,172 0.028 348,063,795.27 0.027 0.055 1.6410
Ligao Component City 38.0363 111,399 0.041 1,215,974,279.62 0.095 0.136 5.1843
Malilipot Fourth Class Municipality 24.4650 37,785 0.014 97,087,209.66 0.008 0.022 0.5284
Malinao (AY) Third Class Municipality 26.9959 45,301 0.017 14,505,963.40 0.001 0.018 0.4832
Manito Fourth Class Municipality 22.2555 24,707 0.009 194,759,342.61 0.015 0.024 0.5430
Oas First Class Municipality 26.2761 67,960 0.025 15,617,076.75 0.001 0.026 0.6937
Pio Duran Third Class Municipality 23.5369 46,693 0.017 14,816,350.93 0.001 0.019 0.4354
Polangui First Class Municipality 28.8384 100,313 0.037 31,249,982.86 0.002 0.040 1.1420
Rapu-Rapu Third Class Municipality 22.0385 36,920 0.014 9,847,564.43 0.001 0.015 0.3196
Santo Domingo (AY) Fourth Class Municipality 30.4289 34,967 0.013 37,006,225.18 0.003 0.016 0.4838
Tabaco Component City 36.4424 133,868 0.050 1,038,988,701.85 0.081 0.131 4.7703
Tiwi First Class Municipality 24.8588 53,120 0.020 322,847,751.29 0.025 0.045 1.1162
T  O  T  A  L  S   1,347,110   6,398,811,323.36   1.00 35.4027