Province Aurora
Region REGION III (Central Luzon)
Population 236,172
Revenue 746,776,449.34
NOTE:  Highly Urbanized Cities are not included in the total score percentage of the Province.
LGU Category Score Population Population Weight (50%) Revenue Revenue Weight (50%) Total Percentage Provincial Score
Baler Third Class Municipality 39.2937 43,785 0.093 52,612,135.42 0.035 0.128 5.0257
Casiguran (AU) Second Class Municipality 31.3085 26,564 0.056 328,835,708.96 0.220 0.276 8.6537
Dilasag Third Class Municipality 26.4946 17,102 0.036 0.00 0.000 0.036 0.9591
Dinalungan Fourth Class Municipality 28.5545 12,930 0.027 4,884,711.47 0.003 0.031 0.8766
Dingalan Third Class Municipality 34.7858 27,878 0.059 15,188,872.33 0.010 0.069 2.4072
Dipaculao Third Class Municipality 29.2693 33,131 0.070 14,601,780.43 0.010 0.080 2.3386
Maria Aurora Second Class Municipality 30.3197 44,958 0.095 321,775,304.55 0.215 0.311 9.4173
San Luis (AU) Second Class Municipality 30.5068 29,824 0.063 8,877,936.18 0.006 0.069 2.1050
T  O  T  A  L  S   236,172   746,776,449.34   1.00 31.7832