Province Benguet
Region CAR - Cordillera Administrative Region
Population 447,698
Revenue 1,766,229,072.79
NOTE:  Highly Urbanized Cities are not included in the total score percentage of the Province.
LGU Category Score Population Population Weight (50%) Revenue Revenue Weight (50%) Total Percentage Provincial Score
Atok Fourth Class Municipality 22.3699 19,668 0.022 167,471,715.42 0.047 0.069 1.5525
Bakun Third Class Municipality 21.1886 15,357 0.017 8,541,888.45 0.002 0.020 0.4153
Bokod Fourth Class Municipality 25.4984 14,435 0.016 32,481,271.08 0.009 0.025 0.6451
Buguias Third Class Municipality 27.8145 43,627 0.049 16,664,710.56 0.005 0.053 1.4853
Itogon First Class Municipality 30.6982 59,820 0.067 68,284,569.30 0.019 0.086 2.6431
Kabayan Fourth Class Municipality 25.3226 15,260 0.017 167,961,986.31 0.048 0.065 1.6333
Kapangan Fourth Class Municipality 24.5962 19,361 0.022 6,531,623.00 0.002 0.023 0.5756
Kibungan Fourth Class Municipality 23.9340 17,292 0.019 4,142,504.03 0.001 0.021 0.4906
La Trinidad First Class Municipality 37.6663 129,133 0.144 724,141,108.76 0.205 0.349 13.1531
Mankayan First Class Municipality 28.5789 35,953 0.040 203,164,978.87 0.058 0.098 2.7922
Sablan Fifth Class Municipality 37.3613 11,588 0.013 9,321,048.96 0.003 0.016 0.5791
Tuba First Class Municipality 30.3068 48,312 0.054 349,032,929.79 0.099 0.153 4.6309
Tublay Fifth Class Municipality 34.4873 17,892 0.020 8,488,738.26 0.002 0.022 0.7725
T  O  T  A  L  S   447,698   1,766,229,072.79   1.00 31.3686