Province Kalinga
Region CAR - Cordillera Administrative Region
Population 240,115
Revenue 114,613,883.83
NOTE:  Highly Urbanized Cities are not included in the total score percentage of the Province.
LGU Category Score Population Population Weight (50%) Revenue Revenue Weight (50%) Total Percentage Provincial Score
Balbalan Third Class Municipality 24.8613 13,816 0.029 8,193,120.68 0.036 0.065 1.6036
Lubuagan Fourth Class Municipality 22.7060 9,323 0.019 2,079,730.14 0.009 0.029 0.6471
Pasil Fifth Class Municipality 37.3430 10,577 0.022 3,708,955.87 0.016 0.038 1.4265
Pinukpuk First Class Municipality 24.1560 34,275 0.071 5,876,438.06 0.026 0.097 2.3431
Rizal (KA) Fourth Class Municipality 27.0982 21,180 0.044 11,631,796.22 0.051 0.095 2.5689
Tabuk Component City 38.1428 129,050 0.269 78,055,843.25 0.341 0.609 23.2366
Tanudan Fourth Class Municipality 25.0642 8,746 0.018 996,272.62 0.004 0.023 0.5639
Tinglayan Fourth Class Municipality 26.3759 13,148 0.027 4,071,726.99 0.018 0.045 1.1922
T  O  T  A  L  S   240,115   114,613,883.83   1.00 33.5819