Province Kalinga
Region CAR - Cordillera Administrative Region
Population 216,414
Revenue 88,995,961.16
NOTE:  Highly Urbanized Cities are not included in the total score percentage of the Province.
LGU Category Score Population Population Weight (50%) Revenue Revenue Weight (50%) Total Percentage Provincial Score
Balbalan Third Class Municipality 26.4277 13,341 0.031 7,796,933.74 0.044 0.075 1.9722
Lubuagan Fourth Class Municipality 28.6520 9,094 0.021 1,465,472.71 0.008 0.029 0.8379
Pasil Fifth Class Municipality 33.4790 9,644 0.022 2,211,574.04 0.012 0.035 1.1619
Pinukpuk First Class Municipality 30.9561 32,026 0.074 5,579,594.62 0.031 0.105 3.2609
Rizal (KA) Fourth Class Municipality 32.6418 19,265 0.045 4,362,557.24 0.025 0.069 2.2529
Tabuk Component City 33.9377 110,642 0.256 65,480,668.42 0.368 0.624 21.1605
Tanudan Fourth Class Municipality 27.5629 9,534 0.022 621,246.33 0.003 0.026 0.7033
Tinglayan Fourth Class Municipality 29.7145 12,868 0.030 1,477,914.06 0.008 0.038 1.1301
T  O  T  A  L  S   216,414   88,995,961.16   1.00 32.4797