Province Tawi-Tawi
Region BARMM - Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Population 440,276
Revenue 384,602,239.61
NOTE:  Highly Urbanized Cities are not included in the total score percentage of the Province.
LGU Category Score Population Population Weight (50%) Revenue Revenue Weight (50%) Total Percentage Provincial Score
Bongao Second Class Municipality 27.3864 116,118 0.132 23,563,040.92 0.031 0.162 4.4503
Languyan First Class Municipality 20.9079 37,096 0.042 345,286,312.67 0.449 0.491 10.2658
Mapun Fourth Class Municipality 23.6874 30,038 0.034 725,507.52 0.001 0.035 0.8291
Panglima Sugala Third Class Municipality 22.3856 48,055 0.055 1,591,995.00 0.002 0.057 1.2693
Sapa-Sapa Third Class Municipality 26.6493 33,580 0.038 873,000.00 0.001 0.039 1.0447
Sibutu Sixth Class Municipality 24.2307 34,243 0.039 653,215.25 0.001 0.040 0.9620
Simunul Fourth Class Municipality 26.3607 34,245 0.039 7,300,000.00 0.010 0.048 1.2759
Sitangkai First Class Municipality 27.9408 37,319 0.042 2,837,802.28 0.004 0.046 1.2881
South Ubian Third Class Municipality 23.6199 29,583 0.034 234,974.45 0.000 0.034 0.8007
Tandubas Second Class Municipality 18.4359 34,316 0.039 868,391.52 0.001 0.040 0.7393
Turtle Islands Fifth Class Municipality 26.5189 5,683 0.007 668,000.00 0.001 0.007 0.1962
T  O  T  A  L  S   440,276   384,602,239.61   1.00 23.1214